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Hallo Jannick,
I'm a proud owner of 3 pairs Timorpaddys but only one of these pairs is old enough for breeding. Hope I can give you more information soon.
Bert Moerman is still the most successful breeder of these birds that I know.
Best regards Andrea

RE: Timor Paddy's
in Timorreisamadinen (Lonchura fuscata) 23.12.2008 09:44von Jannick •

Zitat von Andrea
Hallo Jannick,
I'm a proud owner of 3 pairs Timorpaddys but only one of these pairs is old enough for breeding. Hope I can give you more information soon.
Bert Moerman is still the most successful breeder of these birds that I know.
Best regards Andrea
Hallo Andrea
I do have 3,2 my self.
At wich age will you start breeding them, and at what present of time at the year ?
You do not have had any luck untill new ?
But wich nest boxes, and size of cages do you have in mind to use ?
Everything can maybe do a bit more

Hallo Jannick,
it's the first time that I bread with Timorpaddys. I only have volieres (h:2,20m, l:1,50, d:1,00).
I will start breading if the hen-/cockbird is at least one year old. I will try it next month with the first pair.
I offer my birds different kind of nests for example synthetical fir as shown on your photo.

RE: Timor Paddy's
in Timorreisamadinen (Lonchura fuscata) 23.12.2008 21:55von Jannick •

Zitat von Andrea
Hallo Jannick,
it's the first time that I bread with Timorpaddys. I only have volieres (h:2,20m, l:1,50, d:1,00).
I will start breading if the hen-/cockbird is at least one year old. I will try it next month with the first pair.
I offer my birds different kind of nests for example synthetical fir as shown on your photo.
Well then we have something to look forward to - I do hope the best for your breeding with these birds - pleas keep me informed at any time..
Anybody els ??

Hallo Harry,
ich habe bisher noch von keinen positiven Zuchterfolgen in Deutschland gehört. Immerhin haben einige jetzt mehrere Zuchtpaare zusammenstellen können. Laß uns mal hoffen.....
Grüsse Andrea

Ich komme gerade aus Apeldoorn wieder.
Dort gab es in der angeschlossenen Börse 10! Paare Timorreisamadinen zum Verkauf.
Kostenpunkt 400€ pro Paar.
Die Tiere waren geschlossen beringt, teilweise noch nicht durchgefärbt und wurden mit DNA-Test angeboten.

RE: Timor Paddy's
in Timorreisamadinen (Lonchura fuscata) 26.01.2009 10:14von Thomas Mamat (gelöscht)

ich hatte selber in der Zeit von 1997 bis 2003 4 Timor Reisfinken . Ich hatte sie damals von einem Züchter in Deutschland erhalten. Sie wurden hier also schon öfters erfolgreich gezüchtet. Leider hält der Züchter von 1997 keine Vögel mehr.
Er hatte mir damals folgende Futtermischung als "Grundfutter" für das ganze Jahr empfohlen:
37,5% Spitzsaat
20% Paddyreis
9% Silberhirse
9% Japanhirse
9% Platahirse
9% Senegalhirse
5% Hafer
0,75% Negersaat
0,75% Hanf
Ich Habe meine Timors damit 6 Jahre ernährt. Leider ist mir die Zucht nicht geglückt. So wünsche ich Euch Viel Erfolg mit den Timors.
Viele Grüße sendet Thomas Mamat

RE: Timor Paddy's
in Timorreisamadinen (Lonchura fuscata) 04.02.2009 12:44von Olivier Arnoult (gelöscht)

To introduce briefly myself
I live in Monaco on the French Riviera
Timor sparrow is a sort of long love story with me
I first bred them in 1989 for few years before stopping my breeding to study oerseas.
I was fortunate enough to find new imported birds in 2002 and restart with different success
At the moment i keep around 20 birds, but it does not mean I breed a lot every year compare to the number of "Breeding pairs"...
3 years ago I send a group of birds to A zoo in the UK which has been very succesfull.
Few colleagues in france keeps this species but only one is successfull at the moment.
to conclude this post, I will say, we know very few about the biology of this species which looks to have unregular breeding cycle.
I will be very interested to exchange breeding experiences with you in the next post
Best wishes

RE: Timor Paddy's
in Timorreisamadinen (Lonchura fuscata) 04.02.2009 13:36von Jannick •

Zitat von Olivier Arnoult
To introduce briefly myself
I live in Monaco on the French Riviera
Timor sparrow is a sort of long love story with me
I first bred them in 1989 for few years before stopping my breeding to study oerseas.
I was fortunate enough to find new imported birds in 2002 and restart with different success
At the moment i keep around 20 birds, but it does not mean I breed a lot every year compare to the number of "Breeding pairs"...
3 years ago I send a group of birds to A zoo in the UK which has been very succesfull.
Few colleagues in france keeps this species but only one is successfull at the moment.
to conclude this post, I will say, we know very few about the biology of this species which looks to have unregular breeding cycle.
I will be very interested to exchange breeding experiences with you in the next post
Best wishes
Hallo Olivier
Can you tell me some of your experiences of seed, and where you have bred these birds ?
I can't tell much yet, besizes I got this one chick - wich I wouldn't call very successfully - (YET)

RE: Timor Paddy's
in Timorreisamadinen (Lonchura fuscata) 04.02.2009 16:00von Olivier Arnoult (gelöscht)

Hello Jannick,
I bred quite a big number of Padda fuscata, but I also have ton confess that a breeding method with a pair for example did not poove to be effective the secound year.
Anyway I have better success with birds breeding in colony in relatively large aviary (3X3m)
Sexual behaviour looks more effective or at least more visible.
In this colony I have 3 to 5 pairs together.
My better results where with 3 pairs breeding together in this system.
Over the year I experienced lots of unfertile eggs on first clutch and better fertility on second clutch. so it is why I do not want to give any advice but just comments about the way it worked or did not worked with me. br'eeding in cage could be difficult has some male could Killed their partners.
I personnaly do not understand this level of unfertility in some years, young birds looks to be more fertile. Speaking with other breeders old males looks to be unfertile after 4/5 years, but has to be confirm. This different level of fertility "could" maybe explain the status of the species in the wild.
anyway I would say this species needs to be studied much and exchange of information and birds between breeders very important if we do not want to keep just pictures of this species.
The high price asked by some breeders in some countries is also a point.
As far as the quote is high these people will breed the species for money, but will probably stop the day it is much cheaper. An other example is Lemuresthes/Lepidopygia nana from Madagascar which has been bred by hundreds, than the price drop down, and many breeders stop with them...
I do not want to say, price have to be high, but DEDICATED and Passionate breeders are needed in order to conserve these species.
Best wishes

RE: Timor Paddy's
in Timorreisamadinen (Lonchura fuscata) 05.02.2009 18:14von Jannick •

Zitat von Olivier Arnoult
Hello Jannick,
I bred quite a big number of Padda fuscata, but I also have ton confess that a breeding method with a pair for example did not poove to be effective the secound year.
Anyway I have better success with birds breeding in colony in relatively large aviary (3X3m)
Sexual behaviour looks more effective or at least more visible.
In this colony I have 3 to 5 pairs together.
My better results where with 3 pairs breeding together in this system.
Over the year I experienced lots of unfertile eggs on first clutch and better fertility on second clutch. so it is why I do not want to give any advice but just comments about the way it worked or did not worked with me. br'eeding in cage could be difficult has some male could Killed their partners.
I personnaly do not understand this level of unfertility in some years, young birds looks to be more fertile. Speaking with other breeders old males looks to be unfertile after 4/5 years, but has to be confirm. This different level of fertility "could" maybe explain the status of the species in the wild.
anyway I would say this species needs to be studied much and exchange of information and birds between breeders very important if we do not want to keep just pictures of this species.
The high price asked by some breeders in some countries is also a point.
As far as the quote is high these people will breed the species for money, but will probably stop the day it is much cheaper. An other example is Lemuresthes/Lepidopygia nana from Madagascar which has been bred by hundreds, than the price drop down, and many breeders stop with them...
I do not want to say, price have to be high, but DEDICATED and Passionate breeders are needed in order to conserve these species.
Best wishes
Well I can maybe tell more next year..
Can you tell me what you feed these birds with during the breeding ?

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