
Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 22.02.2008 10:02
von Peter | 211 Beiträge | 371 Punkte

(C)Howard Robinson

zuletzt bearbeitet 15.05.2024 18:50 | nach oben springen


RE: Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 06.11.2012 20:40
von Aurelien LEQUOY | 108 Beiträge | 119 Punkte

Watching mannikins
We just found the grey-headed mannikins for the first time... thus the big smile.

Grey-headed Mannikins

Grey-headed Mannikin

Setting up nets

Watching the nets

Our nets

A full net!

Extracting birds

Teaching the ornithology students to take birds out of the nets

Me and Peter (and friends)

Taking blood samples

Taking a blood sample

Blood samples

Measuring a Grey-headed Mannikin

Beak measurement

Tail measurement

Teaching the ornithology class

Grey-headed Mannikins in a bougainvillea bush

Hooded Mannikin (regarder bien la sous-espèce !!)

With a Streak-headed Mannikin

Tommy, expert field ornithologist

Just Hanging Out
This little guy just doesn't seem to realize that he's free to fly away. Or he's just really comfy in my hand.

Mannikin Hypnosis
Jake discovered that if you release them slowly in this position, the birds will just lay still in...

Text by Katie
Photos by Tommy
Compilation by Aurélien LEQUOY

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RE: Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 10.11.2012 06:52
von Helmut 07 | 384 Beiträge | 395 Punkte

Hello Aurelien
Very nice Photos , thanks for the show

Is the Streak-headed Mannikin a L.t. tristissima or a calaminoros ?

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RE: Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 10.11.2012 08:20
von Aurelien LEQUOY | 108 Beiträge | 119 Punkte

it's a L.t. calaminoros

Do you have this subepecies ?

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RE: Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 10.11.2012 15:08
von Helmut 07 | 384 Beiträge | 395 Punkte

No I have not, I have only Munia pallida and M. maja

Streak-headed Mannikins , there are probably not in Germany
Excuse my bad English

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RE: Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 14.11.2012 22:00
von Munia maja | 396 Beiträge | 779 Punkte

Hello Aurelien,

many thanks for those wonderful photographs of the grey-headed mannikins. We don´t have any of them in Europe in our aviaries. But I think, it´s much more satifying to watch them in their natural habitat...
Wonderful coulours - the lighter lower beak, the yellow rump and tail...
Where did you find the flock of the grey-headed munias?


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RE: Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 27.11.2012 15:09
von svenc | 130 Beiträge | 220 Punkte

Hello Aurélien,

indeed, beauty shots. I've never seen fotos of M. cancieps anywhere near the quality shown here.
I was wondering what kind of project is going on there? Is this an academic group doing research on the birds (it looks pretty well organized and professional, blood samples taken, possibly for genetic studies?). Is there more info or a contact person?

Best regards,

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RE: Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 28.11.2012 19:28
von Uwe Helmis (gelöscht)

Schönen Dank für die wundervollen beeindruckenden Bilder die in sehr guter Qualität sind.Toller Bildbericht zu einer interressanten Nonnenart
Lieben Gruß

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RE: Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 03.12.2012 11:48
von Aurelien LEQUOY | 108 Beiträge | 119 Punkte

photos of Greg MILES

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RE: Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 03.12.2012 16:35
von Peter | 211 Beiträge | 371 Punkte

Hi Aurelien,
Thanks for the wonderful pictures. It is good to see the birds realy.
Sorry that non of these birds don't have come to Europe. But perhaps later?
My best wishes

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RE: Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 13.01.2013 15:49
von Jannick | 44 Beiträge | 48 Punkte

Bloooooody nice pictures, damn keep up this work.

What kind of work will these do for ?

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RE: Graukopfnonne (Munia caniceps)

in Seltene Nonnen & Schliffinken 16.11.2013 11:14
von Aurelien LEQUOY | 108 Beiträge | 119 Punkte

Zitat von Jannick
Bloooooody nice pictures, damn keep up this work.

What kind of work will these do for ?

all answer here : http://people.bu.edu/katiefs/Home.html


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