I am 29 years old and I work in data processing
I breed some Lonchura, I started young boy with some Lonchura atricapilla and I started back in 2008, my listing here :
Lonchura malacca 2-2-0
Lonchura atricapilla sinensis 15-15-0
Lonchura atricapilla brunneiceps 2-3-0
Lonchura atricapilla jagori 3-2-0
Lonchura ferruginosa 1-1-0
Lonchura stygia 1-1-0
Lonchura grandis 3-3-0
Lonchura punctulata punctulata 2-1-2
Lonchura flaviprymna 3-3-0
Lonchura maja 6-4-0
Lonchura nevermanni 2-2-0
I saw that some person have : Lonchura atricapilla atricapilla ([url]http://www.estrildidae.net/fr/species/nominal/Lonchura_atricapilla/#http://www.estrildidae.net/fr/sp...es>content_1[/url])
I would complete my subspecies of lonchura atricapilla
Else I made this website : http://www.estrildidae.net